Anna Connor

Human Rights Activist | content creator | communications student


Our mission is to provide children across the Caribbean with essential resources, including food, toys, school supplies and healthcare, to ensure they lead fulfilling and dignified lives. Through compassionate outreach and sustainable solutions, we strive to foster a brighter future for the next generation.


Anna is a Human Rights activist and communications student who was born in Canada. While she was born in Canada her parents always taught her about their home country in the Caribbean. Through travel, she has seen firsthand how some opportunities are not equal to where she is from. Through her experiences and schooling, she has developed a passion for seeking change for the next generation.


Anna acknowledges that she lives on treaty one territory and the heartland of the Metis people.

  • while Anna's mission is to defend the rights of those who are being treated unjustly globally. She would also like to focus on seeking a change in how Indigenous peoples are treated within Canada.

past work

Over the past few years, Anna has attended and helped coordinate a couple of protests that have taken place in her city. Through this, she has learned that the youth can make a great impact on society.

Get in touch

feel free to contact Anna whether it be through Instagram, TikTok, or email.